Nearly 60% of Belgian families own one or more pets, and an increasing number of people are choosing to welcome a pet into their family. This is hardly surprising when you consider the positive influence that pets can have on people: in addition to the obvious benefits, such as companionship and affection, a number of studies suggest that pets can also have beneficial effects on health. BEPEFA will be sharing some insights and facts about the benefits of having a pet at home.
BIO Elien Van Stichel:
Elien has been Secretary-General of BEPEFA (the Belgian Association of Pet Food Manufacturers) since 2020. She graduated with a Master of Veterinary Medicine from Ghent University and then worked as a substitute lecturer in the fields of agrotechnology and biotechnology, focusing on animal behaviour and nutrition. She then worked as a nutritionist for a feed manufacturer until she joined the Belgian Feed Association (BFA), which also provides the secretariat for BEPEFA.